News in English

Fresh New Look!


You are looking at our new website.  The previous subdomain listings are gone, meaning your only stop is STLSCCA.ORG.  Live timing is found with two click at the top of the page.

Our fresh new look is faster, user friendly and automated.  All of the documentation, rules and regulations, archives and results are now hosted on Google Drive.  The program schedules are color coded and can be displayed in calendar format or listed chronologically and are all managed with Google Calendar. There is a news feed section for the most current information. Photo files are stored at SmugMug and storage is unlimited.  Users can capture video, candids and photos and upload them directly through the site using their mobile devices.  User will even find past board meeting minutes and agenda.

If you are experiencing and problems, please reach out to our website administrator Emily Skoglund.

If you have an suggestions let us know.

We will leave the subdomain up as redirects through the end of the year.  It would be best if you just deleted them now so you don’t forget.