Did John Kerry break law with his secret email alias?
John Kerry, who was secretary of state under Barack Obama, is the latest Democrat to face a scandal over his email communications as a government official.
Hillary Clinton, back when she was losing the 2016 presidential race to President Donald Trump, of course destroyed thousands of emails that should have been archived by the government. Even Joe Biden has been accused of using anonymous addresses to keep his communications going, probably bypassing government requirements for record-keeping.
Now, a report from Fox News says Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., have written to the current secretary of state, Antony Blinken, demanding answers about Kerry.
The senators got the information about the secret communications channel from whistleblowers. And they want to know if Kerry met the requirements for federal records-keeping.
The email involved as SESTravel1@state.gov.
"We want to know whether then-Secretary Kerry properly complied with all federal records laws and regulations with respect to his official email communications and whether responses to relevant Freedom of Information Act requests have properly included that email address in productions to requestors," the senators said.
There have been concerns from the senators over government compliance with the requirements for the last eight or 10 years.
Clinton, of course, sent her government email to a private, unsecure, computer server she set up.
The senators told Blinken that since 2021 "they have been raising concerns about President Biden’s use of a non-government email while serving as vice president — as well as pseudonymous government emails for 'official business' — and whether he complied with federal records laws," the report said.
From Biden's administration? Nothing yet.
The senators again told Blinken they also have questions about Kerry's apparent "extensive, consistent, and successful interference and obstruction of the FBI’s efforts to arrest Iranian terrorists because of his desire to cement the failed Iran Nuclear Deal between the Obama/Biden administration and the Iranian government."
Grassley also questioned Kerry's alleged mishandling of classified information while communicating with Iran, and the senators want to know if that email was used to communicate with foreign government officials, specifically Iran, about the "nuclear deal."
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