News in English

Wesley Hall Junior School closes early


On Monday, the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training authorized the early closure of Wesley Hall Junior School at noon following a significant number of teacher absences. At 9:15 am, Deputy Chief Education Officer Glyne Price received a call from Principal Herbert Gittens, who reported that 22 of the school’s teachers were out sick.

Upon being contacted around 9:20 am, BUT President Rudy Lovell stated that he was unaware of any grievances among the staff at Wesley Hall Junior School. This sentiment was echoed by Dr. Christina Morris, Senior Education Officer responsible for Primary and Nursery Schools.

In a swift response to prevent disruption, the Ministry attempted to secure substitute teachers from Erdiston Teachers’ Training College, but this effort was unsuccessful as classes had already been suspended for the semester. Consequently, school officers from the nursery, primary, and secondary sections were deployed to support the few teachers present. Mr. Price and Wanda McClean, Manager of Stakeholder Relations, also arrived to assist.

By 10:25 am, only five of the 32 teachers were present, which was deemed insufficient to manage the student population. It was decided that students would have their usual school meals delivered by 11:00 am before parents and guardians were asked to collect their children at noon.

The Ministry of Education apologized for the inconvenience caused and assured that they are prioritizing the safety of the children through adequate supervision and engagement. Further updates on the status of classes will be provided in due course.

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