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Mary Trump slams 'death candidate' uncle and sounds alarm over 'life-or-death election'


In his race for a second term, Mary Trump thinks her uncle Donald Trump is marching the United States into a death spiral.

In her latest newsletter "The Good In Us," Mary Trump tackles the dire consequences should the former president regain the White House.

In "The Leader of the Pro-Death Party: It's not just the guns", Mary, a psychologist, reflected on the Supreme Court's decision to overturn a ban on bump stocks, a Trump-era regulation.

It came in reaction to the 2017 Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas where the shooter's weapons killed 58 country music concert music festival attendees and injured hundreds.

The effort, which Mary called "one of the very, very few decent things the Trump administration managed to accomplish" sought to shelve rapid-fire gun add-ons that manipulate rifle stocks so that when a trigger is pulled, the recoil is seamless, giving the shooter the ability to fire a steady stream of bullets.

She then turned the screws on the 45th president for failing to handle the reversal like a dignified leader.

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"Well, for the first time in a long time, he said he respects a court decision," she writes. "Then he bragged about getting the NRA’s endorsement."

This supposed showmanship to court votes in the face of what she deems a failure by the highest court in the land shakes her core.

"As horrified as I am by the court’s decision — and I am very horrified — I’m also grateful to them for making it so clear what the election in November is all about: life or death.

"Friday’s decision—and Donald’s response to it—were powerful reminders that the leader of the Republican is the death candidate."

And her fears go beyond Trump's "cynical embrace of weapons of war."

Mary writes about how her uncle as leader of the free world has already shown his calculated decision to play rounds of golf and brag about television ratings while there was a global pandemic.

Politically, Mary accuses Trump of killing the Republican Party "or at least their sense of patriotism, decency and shame" which she notes is "hardly a great loss."

There's also the concern for Mary about abortion rights and pollution that could do more and more damage to the women and the environment.

And there's his mortal combat rhetoric too.

"How many has he killed with his calls for extremism and violence And how many will die if he loses in November," she writes. "How many more if he wins?"

She answers this with her own summation: "The harsh reality is that Donald is a serious national security threat to the American people. This is a life-or-death election. And my uncle is the death candidate. Let’s choose life, shall we?"