News in English

New Scholarship Opportunity for Current and Future ACA Instructors

Georgia Canoeing Association and Georgia River Network were recently awarded the ACA LL Bean Club Fostered Community Grant to do diversity outreach for training and certification opportunities for ACA instructors. With this funding, we are offering several instructor scholarships for new instructor candidates seeking ACA instructor certification OR already certified ACA instructors seeking to expand their credentials through ACA instructor certification programs organized by Georgia River Network.

The key is being able to show that you will be able to help expand access to ACA training for diverse populations in our community. Priority will be given to candidates who demonstrate leadership and intention to offer training to diverse groups, underserved populations, and community/nonprofit paddlesports programming that meets the needs of diverse populations.
Opportunities are detailed in the application and allow candidates to select which opportunity is of interest to them. These opportunities range from scholarships for new candidates to receive preparatory training in advance of the instructor certification class and opportunities for new instructor candidates to earn a Level 1 Kayak Instructor certification, to opportunities for already certified instructors to update/upgrade to either L2 or L3 River Kayaking Instructors or for already certified instructors to earn a Paddlesports Safety Facilitator Instructor Endorsement or a Paddlesports Angler Instructor Endorsement.
Acceptance of one of these scholarships includes a volunteer commitment to assist with GCA and GRN training during the 4 years of your ACA instructor certification.
Applications will be accepted until 5 pm Eastern time on June 30, 2024.
2024 GCA-GRN ACA Instructors Diversity Outreach Scholarship Application Form


If you are a currently certified ACA kayak Instructor or experienced safety boater (Kayakers & Canoeists) who would like to assist with the training sessions and/or public classes offered by Georgia River Network, please sign up to assist at this link:

GRN Classes: Assisting GRN 2024 ACA Instruction (

Questions? Contact:

Andrea White Community Programs Coordinator
Georgia River Network
126 S. Milledge Ave., Ste. E3 |  Athens, GA 30605

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