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Element of Change (Entry #6 Short Film Awards 2024)


Element of Change – My last run in Mighty Bhotekoshi

« Bhote Koshi, the river that taught me to face challenges, fight, love, and respect, has been one of my favorite paddling spots. Sadly, due to sand extraction and hydropower projects, the river isn’t what it used to be, and these might be my last days on it. The future should belong to the beauty of this amazing river, not to the loss of its powerful flow and wild scenery.

The Bhote Koshi River has been a part of Nepal’s whitewater history, symbolizing our love for adventure and exploration. It’s not just a river; it’s a lifeline for many guides and their families who rely on it for sustainable tourism. The river’s rapids and stunning landscapes attract adventurers from around the world, supporting local economies and fostering a deep connection to nature. By protecting it, we’re not just preserving nature; we’re safeguarding a piece of our heritage, culture, and livelihoods for future generations to enjoy. »

By: Nishan Thapa

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L’article Element of Change (Entry #6 Short Film Awards 2024) est apparu en premier sur Kayak Session Magazine.