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Return From American Zombieland


Watching Joe Biden drift off to the far left of all the other dark-suited government heads at the G7 summit in Italy last week, then get pulled back right by white-clad conservative Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni, I couldn’t help but reflect on the symbolism on display. Several of the other liberal leaders present had either just experienced total rejection in the recent EU vote — President Emmanuel Macron of France, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany — or face strong headwinds in imminent elections — Biden, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Great Britain, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada. Only rightist PM Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party had made huge gains, a good sign for two continents.

I hope he has enough lucidity left to know it was the American people who rejected him and his ideological controllers.

The saddest thing about the President of the United States being a mindless zombie is that leftists can blame his state for wrecking America rather than their wretched ideology. They will reiterate the old canard, “Real socialism has not been tried,” because it constantly fools the ignorant. Every fine thing they’ve ever touched, that they could never create, turns to refuse. This unbroken curse now menaces the greatest country in the history of the world. And the danger signs are everywhere. (READ MORE from Lou Aguilar: Feminism’s Secret Weapon: Weak Men)

Under continuous liberal control, some of the most spectacular cities ever built — Baltimore, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle — became putrid crime-ridden hellscapes. And even when rare bouts of sanity temporarily reversed the decline — such as the mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani (1994-2001) which converted New York into a clean, safe model city — progressive gravity pulled it back down into a sinkhole. In no time, lunatic policies like defund the police, sanctuary cities, de facto legal shoplifting, unprosecuted violent crime, and anti-white male racism and sexism destroyed all semblance of order.

In the new normal, an ex-Marine who heroically restrains a crazed black man threatening passengers on a Manhattan subway train, advancing his death, gets charged with homicide. This, after Manhattan’s first black DA downgraded 52 percent of felony cases to misdemeanors. The same DA did not hesitate to prosecute a former President and opposition party leader for imaginary crimes well past the statute of limitations.

The defendant’s only real crime was disrupting the leftists’ hold on power and deliberate damage to the nation. For nine years, the military-industrial-political-media establishment threw everything they had — and hadn’t — at the man, even after successfully ousting him from the White House in 2020. And it was to a bunch of useful idiots that just enough naïve, foolish, or America-despising voters handed the entire country four years ago. To no one’s surprise, their disasters commenced immediately.

They removed secure border measures allowing millions of illegal aliens to cross undeterred, and many of them to cause havoc. Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in an explosion of dead and wounded American service members and seized modern weaponry. The fossil fuel sector was reduced in favor of illusory green energy, increasing inflation and retarding the economy. Chinese spy balloons flew unimpeded over secret military bases, prompting absurd Pentagon mendacity that their intelligence gathering capability had been blocked.

Instead, the vegetative President and his Justice Department issued threats against patriotic American citizens, concerned parents, and pro-life Christians, throwing many of them in jail. He bitterly taunted Second Amendment adherents. “Those brave right-wing Americans who say (the Second Amendment) is all about keeping America independent and safe. If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something more than a gun.”

The poor buffoon doesn’t understand that the man in the F-15 would likelier side with the Constitutionalists rather than him. Unless of course he’s part of the Administration’s new woke trans recruitment drive. But then a DEI hire probably would be unable to fly the plane.

Two wars broke out in Europe and the Middle East. And the U.S. is embarrassing itself in the second by coddling the terrorists and harassing the retributors. Such waffling always has the same historical result — an exponential increase of troubles as our enemies probe all the farther. And it’s happening now.

Last week, I viewed a sight that brought back awful memories from my native country — a Russian nuclear sub and warships sailing into Havana Harbor, 90 miles from where I live now. My governor, Ron DeSantis, the man who will be President someday, perfectly addressed the situation. He placed the blame right where it belongs — on the current Commander-In-Sleep.

“We’re failing as a country with the deterrent capability, and I think it starts at the top with the President of the United States,” DeSantis said. “I think history has shown that these bad actors — they respond to strength, and they’re deterred by strength. They are not going to be deterred by weakness. They are not going to be deterred by confusion … They are not going to be deterred by a president wandering around aimlessly at the G7.”

Weakness and confusion are almost all Biden has left, and one more thing which is keeping him going when anyone else in his degenerated state would be in a rest home — hatred. Sheer, unadulterated hate for conservatives — whom he red-faced calls “MAGA Republicans” — and specifically the man who represents us. Whom most polls say will trounce him this November, and whom he has done everything in his power to destroy. (READ MORE: ‘Now Tarzan Make War’ – On the Democrats)

For Joe Biden is, and always has been, a bitter little man. And when Donald Trump displaces him in January as the polls predict, I hope he has enough lucidity left to know it was the American people who rejected him and his ideological controllers. Then he can wander off as far left as he wishes.

The post Return From American Zombieland appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.