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MAGA Media Caught Promoting Cheapfakes Of Biden At G7


In their latest attempt to put lipstick on a pig, i.e. convicted felon Donald Trump, the MAGA media have published misleading videos from the G7 summit in Italy that Murdoch outlets and others falsely claim caught President Joe Biden wandering aimlessly away from a gathering at the G7 summit in Italy last week.

PolitiFact corrected the record in a post labeling the “wandering” claim as “false.” Among the liars promoting it were the RNC, now controlled by Trump daughter-in-law Lara Trump; RNC Research, a Xitter account managed by Donald Trump’s campaign; and a Daily Mail TikTok.

The Murdoch media did their part to promote the lies for their favorite felon, too. More from PolitiFact:

The New York Post took it a step further, altering the video’s frame to make it more narrow, cutting out a skydiver seen in the RNC video.

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