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Leeds Rhinos • Re: Smith out ASAP

Another 2 weeks to prep, refresh and refocus and yet again we turn in a clueless disasterclass.

I don’t even know why I’m actually surprised, we’ve been dire pretty much all season, all the early season optimism has evaporated as the same lazy, shortcut vibes rugby yet again proves to be our undoing. Not one player in that team is looking or playing to their potential as it’s just an unstructured joke of a system.

This Friday is all about Rob and despite seething on that travesty yesterday we need to park this for one game, circle the wagons and come together for the great man.

There was a terrible atmosphere at that game yesterday, some very strange people who I’ve never seen at Rhinos games before at the centre of most the unpleasantness. I understand that we differ on opinions etc but turning on each other isn’t the way to go.

Friday is all about Rob & the Burrow family period.

Statistics: Posted by Ex-Swarcliffe Rhino — Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:56 pm