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With Odisha and Andhra being governed by NDA 3.0. Will Aquaculture, a sector dominated by small caps and troubles see a sustained turnaround?

With Odisha and Andhra being governed by NDA 3.0. Will Aquaculture, a sector dominated by small caps and troubles see a sustained turnaround?

When looking at any sector, it is good to know the history of that sector, it helps in bringing the context to the possible investing time frame and also the risks which come with that particular investment. Aquaculture as a sector came into limelight in 1992-93. Best of the names of India Inc of that time entered the sector as the Indian economy was opening up and exports were expected to pick up. It was assumed that given the long coastline the production of shrimps would be an easy business to grow. But reality turned out to be very different and the story is full of troubles. There were multiple reasons, right from the nature of business itself and lack of coordinated and sustained support by the government. But now with NDA 3.0 in power in two states which dominated this sector, will there be a more coordinated effort to bring this industry back on track and turnaround is sustained?