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I bagged a £50 worth of snacks for just £15, there is so much variety and it will last us a year – how to get yours


WITH the summer holidays fast approaching, many parents will be preparing to stock their cupboards with snacks to keep their hungry brood at bay.

However, all mums will agree that snack foods can be really pricey especially at the rate out little darlings get through them.

Facebook/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group
A mum revealed how she bagged all these snacks for just £15[/caption]
Facebook/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group
She was able to use Uber Eats special offers to snip her total[/caption]

But fear not, one savvy shopper has revealed how she bagged £50 worth of tasty treats for just £15, and she reckons it will last her the year.

Taking to the Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK, the mum shared a snap of her huge haul including crisps, biscuits, popcorn and bread.

Captioning her snap she revealed how she bagged such a bargain.

She wrote:”GREAT DEAL if you’re having parties or events!!! 

“Snacks are very expensive atm and these work out such a great price, should last us a YEAR!! 70+ items 

“Uber Eats were running a promotion of 60% off grocery shop over £25 (there were two of these) and also for the weekend 50% off snacks. These stacked.”

The mum added that those with Uber One might not be eligible for the deal.

She continued: “All of this plus 6 bags of Doritos, 6 bags of lightly salted, 6 different biscuits and a couple more rice cakes which I couldn’t fit in the photo because there was soo much.”

While most people were thrilled for the mum, a few were quick to point out that she hadn’t ordered the healthiest snacks.

But the mum argued that they would be eating them in moderation.

“I know, it’s not the healthiest but it’s not like we’re eating an entire bag a day, big bags can be split into smaller portions  or used for parties etc,” she added. 

“Yes we did order more than we needed however it was actually cheaper to add more on to hit the 60% off. 

“Nothing is going to waste the extra I’ve ordered is going to be included in some care packages for those in need.”

After seeing the haul, fellow bargain hunters were eager to get their hands on a stash for themselves. 

Commenting on the post, one wrote: “Gonna definitely need to order some off here at them prices while it lasts.”

“We just got an insane amount of snacks using this offer too!” added another.