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The Ashley Madison Data Breach List Included A Real Housewives Husband & A President’s Son


Share Share on Facebook Post Share to Flipboard Pin it Post to Tumblr Submit to Reddit Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Email Print This Page The Ashley Madison data breach list is one of the biggest hacks in history. The Canadian dating site, designed for people seeking adulterous affairs, was the subject of a 2015 cybersecurity breach that ruined lives and marriages the world over. Netflix’s three-episode series Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies and Scandal examines the meteoric rise of the website—which was truly a pioneer as far as online dating goes—and the hack that made it all come crashing down. The breach exposed the personal information of upwards of 32 million users, including names, email addresses, credit card information, and other sensitive data. The impact was widespread, leading to scandals, lawsuits, and even incidents of blackmail.“Rather than berating people who joined Ashley Madison we were much more interested in exploring why they were drawn to the site — what were th...