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Report: U.S. thinks Israel is rushing into war with Hezbollah with no clear strategy


IDF soldiers during operational activity in the Jabalia area of northern Gaza on Monday, May 20, 2024. (IDF photo)(ANTIWAR) – The Biden administration is concerned that the violence on the Israel-Lebanon border could soon escalate into a full-blown war and that Israel is rushing into the conflict without a clear strategy, Axios reported on Wednesday. US officials told Axios that the administration has cautioned Israel against the idea of a “limited war,” warning…

IDF soldiers during operational activity in the Jabalia area of northern Gaza on Monday, May 20, 2024. (IDF photo)
IDF soldiers during operational activity in the Jabalia area of northern Gaza on Monday, May 20, 2024. (IDF photo)

IDF soldiers during operational activity in the Jabalia area of northern Gaza on Monday, May 20, 2024. (IDF photo)

(ANTIWAR) – The Biden administration is concerned that the violence on the Israel-Lebanon border could soon escalate into a full-blown war and that Israel is rushing into the conflict without a clear strategy, Axios reported on Wednesday.

US officials told Axios that the administration has cautioned Israel against the idea of a “limited war,” warning that Iran could intervene and militants in Iraq and Syria could join the fighting.

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The report said the White House believes a ceasefire in Gaza is the only thing that could reduce tensions on the Israel-Lebanon border. However, Israeli officials have previously threatened to escalate in Lebanon if a truce is reached in Gaza.

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