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I found out my boyfriend booked cruise tickets for my birthday – it’s a waste of money, I’m dumping him & not going


ONE boyfriend’s gifting idea cost him a lot of money – and his girlfriend.

Rather than setting sail on the high seas, he was in hot water over the cruise tickets he had booked.

There was no smooth sailing for one couple after a boyfriend booked cruise tickets as a birthday gift for his girlfriend (stock image)[/caption]


Redditor Helpful_minimum8496 was about to start steering her own ship toward a single life.

She shared how she needed to get everything off her chest without “pushback” from friends and family who viewed the gift as a romantic gesture.

“My birthday is coming up in a few months and three days ago I found out what my birthday present was, which are tickets to a cruise,” she said.

“His sister spilled the news thinking I would be excited and I’m not. We live together and I found the gift and know it’s for me. I sound so ungrateful but I’m not,” she continued.

“This gift just proves to me that things will never change.”

Aside from suffering from severe seasickness, she had already shared with her beau how she planned to go to a Renfaire festival on her birthday.

“I have purchased tickets and am saving month to month so that I have spending money without it affecting finances at home,” she said.

“Why would he book tickets the same time as the time I took off to go to this festival? Also, this cruise wasn’t cheap at all, so it’s basically wasted money because I’m not going,” she said.


Another reason for her annoyance stemmed from the fact that she felt her boyfriend never listened to her – and this extended beyond booking trips.

“He makes decisions based on what he thinks is best and I just can’t deal with it anymore,” she said.

“This has been a recurring conversation in our two-and-a-half-year relationship. The next thing to do is talk this out and end things.”

While she appreciated the effort, she would have rather he been more concerned about her interests.


Others also weighed in on her woes.

“I think the fact that he knows you have plans for the day of your birthday and has deliberately double-booked you after the fact is a much bigger red flag than the obviously sh**ty present,” said one user.

“This is classic narcissist sh*t. They will only do things with you they like doing, he must not like the festival you want to do,” another wrote.

After feeling unheard, a woman decided to dump her boyfriend over the cruise tickets (stock image)[/caption]

“So, instead, he buys tickets to this cruise so once again you’re forced to do his thing, and even worse, it’s masked as a gift so you have to thank him. It’s wrong,” they continued.

“Red flags galore. Run.”

“I bet after she breaks up with him, he’ll go around telling everyone all the ‘great’ things’ he did for her, however ungrateful she was about his ‘thoughtful gift’,” another Redditor chimed in.

“Damn, do we have the same ex?” joked one user.

Yet another shared her empathy.

“I agree, and I’m sorry your family doesn’t have your back,” they said.

Almost 40% of people said they would also dump their partner over a gift they deemed to be inappropriate, according to a survey conducted by