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Syphilis cases surging in U.S., yet most people know very little about it

(Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay)

(Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay)

(STUDY FINDS) – Syphilis cases in the United States have skyrocketed by 80% in just five years, reaching over 200,000 in 2022, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Despite this alarming increase, a new survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center reveals that many Americans are in the dark about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of this sexually transmitted infection (STI).

The survey found that only 54% of U.S. adults know that syphilis can be permanently cured, while 16% mistakenly believe there is a vaccine to prevent it, and 45% are unsure. This lack of knowledge is particularly concerning given the rising number of cases.

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When it comes to protecting oneself from contracting syphilis, most respondents correctly identified abstinence (78%) and using a condom (77%) as proper safety measures. Meanwhile, they also correctly said that using oral contraception (94%), wearing a diaphragm (89%), or getting a vaccine (78%) were ineffective methods of preventing syphilis. However, 71% failed to recognize that using clean needles is an essential precaution as well.

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