News in English

‘Emergency alarm blares’ & locals told ‘shut all windows & doors’ as cops rush to leak at chemical plant in Barry


RESIDENTS have been told to ‘stay indoors’ as cops and firefighters probe a chemical leak at a nearby plant.

An emergency alarm blared nearby the Dow Corning plant South Wales before fire rescue crews scrambled to the scene this evening.

The cause of the leak is under investigation as emergency services work to contain it[/caption]
Locals heard an emergency alarm in the nearby town[/caption]

Residents were also understood to have received an urgent text alert warning them of a “major emergency” at the plant after a “chemical release”.

South Wales Police urged locals living near the site to keep their windows and doors shut as a “precaution”.

Those in the Sully and Penarth areas have also been affected.

The cause of the leak is under investigation.

South Wales Fire and Rescue have now said: “Dow Corning, Barry have now given an ALL CLEAR.

“We would like to thank residents in the area for their cooperation.”

A force spokesperson said earlier: “Please be advised that there has been a chemical leak at Dow Corning in Barry and residents in the Dinas Powys, Sully and Penarth areas are advised to close doors and windows as a precaution while the matter is being dealt with.”

The chemical plant has produced silicone since 1952 and it currently employs around 630 people.

Residents had reported a bad smell[/caption]
Emergency services raced to the hectic scene this evening[/caption]