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Sleazy Recording of Alito and Roberts Totally Backfired


CNN reports that a “left-wing activist” released secret recordings of Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, and Justice Samuel Alito and his wife. Though incredibly sleazy, the stunt was also a colossal swing and miss. What did we...

The post Sleazy Recording of Alito and Roberts Totally Backfired appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

CNN reports that a “left-wing activist” released secret recordings of Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, and Justice Samuel Alito and his wife. Though incredibly sleazy, the stunt was also a colossal swing and miss.

What did we learn? Justice Alito’s wife has no use for those who believe her husband “should control” her. Anyone paying attention to the ridiculous flag controversy of the past few weeks cannot be surprised by this apparent bombshell. To put a finer point on things, Mrs. Alito is heard saying, “He never controls me.” Duh! (READ MORE: Sen. Durbin Calls on Justice Alito to Recuse Himself, Again.)

Next, our intrepid reporter, pretending to be a conservative Catholic (on her website she describes herself as an “Agnostic. Bisexual. Fashionista.”) reveals that Mrs. Alito (a real-life Catholic) wants to fly a “Sacred Heart of Jesus” flag during the month of June, but isn’t going to out of deference to her husband during this time of “foolishness.”

All this intrigue about Mrs. Alito adds up to STRIKE ONE! (Even so, look for another inane letter out of Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse’s senate offices after this revelation.) (READ MORE: The Curious Trump Tie: Alito’s Flag and Merchan’s Trial)

As for Justice Alito, we learned that he prefers a godly society to a godless society. I guess that’s controversial. But we also learned that he thinks that it is up to the country to sort that out:

One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised . . . so, it’s not like you are going to split the difference.

You know what he didn’t say? He didn’t say he would use his position to put his thumb on the scale. It’s not going to happen. Alito is a true conservative — a man of principle and a man of the law. STRIKE TWO.

Finally, we read of a silly attempt to out Roberts as a Christian nationalist. But he didn’t take the bait when prompted to agree that the Supreme Court should guide the U.S. as a Christian nation. Instead, he responded “I don’t know that we live in a Christian nation. I know a lot of Jewish and Muslim friends who would say maybe not.” (READ MORE: Biden’s Bogus Executive Privilege Claim)

And then the kicker of this whole thing. Roberts ends with “And it’s not our job to do that,” i.e., guide the nation as a Christian nation. “It’s our job to decide the cases as best we can.” STRIKE THREE, YOU’RE OUT!

The truth is that the dirty trick backfired. She exposed that Martha-Ann Alito is her own woman with the kind of fortitude that made Ruth Bader Ginsburg an icon of the Left. We also discovered she doesn’t care what the woke crowd thinks of her. And the recordings confirm what conservatives have long known — that Alito and Roberts decide cases based on the rule of law and not on their personal preferences.

Pete Hutchison is the president of Landmark Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm in Leesburg, VA, and Kansas City, MO

The post Sleazy Recording of Alito and Roberts Totally Backfired appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.