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Trump seeks a dictatorial ‘Fourth Reich’ in America | READER COMMENTARY


Adolf Hitler attempted to establish a Third Reich or third empire in Germany (after the Holy Roman Empire and the German empire that ended in 1918). What number reich in America is Donald Trump trying to establish? I figure it’s a “Fourth Reich” (“Supreme Court rules California man can’t trademark ‘Trump too small,'” June 13).

Our first reich began in the formative years from the first settlers to the Revolutionary War. The second was the “Southern Caste System and Slavery” to the Civil War. The third has been the “Civil Rights and Constitution Scrutiny” era that ran into a possible hard end with Trump’s election as president in 2016.

We have a choice now: Do we help Trump and his cronies establish that Fourth Reich that amounts to “Rule by Dictator and the Ultra Religious” or do we stop this horror and fight tooth and nail to usher in an era of “Democracy, Civil Rights and Sanity”?

— N.L. Bruggman, Jarrettsville

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