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Precision prevention in worksite health–A scoping review on research trends and gaps


by Filip Mess, Simon Blaschke, Teresa S. Schick, Julian Friedrich


To map the current state of precision prevention research in the workplace setting, specifically to study contexts and characteristics, and to analyze the precision prevention approach in the stages of risk assessment/data monitoring, data analytics, and the health promotion interventions implemented.


Six international databases were searched for studies published between January 2010 and May 2023, using the term “precision prevention” or its synonyms in the context of worksite health promotion.


After screening 3,249 articles, 129 studies were reviewed. Around three-quarters of the studies addressed an intervention (95/129, 74%). Only 14% (18/129) of the articles primarily focused on risk assessment and data monitoring, and 12% of the articles (16/129) mainly included data analytics studies. Most of the studies focused on behavioral outcomes (61/160, 38%), followed by psychological (37/160, 23%) and physiological (31/160, 19%) outcomes of health (multiple answers were possible). In terms of study designs, randomized controlled trials were used in more than a third of all studies (39%), followed by cross-sectional studies (18%), while newer designs (e.g., just-in-time-adaptive-interventions) are currently rarely used. The main data analyses of all studies were regression analyses (44% with analyses of variance or linear mixed models), whereas machine learning methods (e.g., Algorithms, Markov Models) were conducted only in 8% of the articles.


Although there is a growing number of precision prevention studies in the workplace, there are still research gaps in applying new data analysis methods (e.g., machine learning) and implementing innovative study designs. In the future, it is desirable to take a holistic approach to precision prevention in the workplace that encompasses all the stages of precision prevention (risk assessment/data monitoring, data analytics and interventions) and links them together as a cycle.