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Pakistan urges US to maintain balanced ties with South Asian countries


Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington, Masood Khan, urged the United States to maintain balanced relations with South Asian countries.

In his speech at an American think tank, Khan asked Washington not to “align too closely with India.”

The state-run Pakistani news agency reported on Sunday, June 9, that the ambassador stated that equal and balanced relations between the United States and South Asian countries would contribute to peace and security in the region.

Khan said, “The U.S. policy of overly aligning with India negates the traditional policy of maintaining strategic balance in relations with South Asian countries.”

Regarding Pakistan-U.S. relations, Khan mentioned that the two countries have renewed their cooperation in the security, economic, healthcare, and education sectors.

This concern from Pakistan comes as the U.S. has increased its military and economic cooperation with India in recent years.

Pakistani political analysts suggest that Washington is seeking closer ties with New Delhi as it views India as a counterbalance to China in Asia.

When asked about India’s recent economic gains, Khan said the country’s progress would be more “respectable” if it maintained good relations with its neighbors.

“India’s priority should be its neighborhood first, and it should strive for a peaceful neighborhood,” the ambassador said.

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