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More than half of Biden supporters say main reason for backing is to oppose Trump: CBS Poll


More than half of President Biden's supporters said they are mainly backing the incumbent in 2024 to oppose former President Trump, according to a new poll.

A new CBS News/YouGov poll, released Sunday, found 54 percent of likely Biden voters are planning to choose him on November's ballot, a 7-point increase from March.

The second-highest reason for choosing Biden was that they liked him, with 27 percent selecting the option. This is slightly down 4-points from when the poll was taken in March. Nearly a fifth, or 19 percent, said they are going with Biden because he is the presumptive Democratic nominee.

CBS pollsters noted how voters frame their decision, either as a referendum or a choice, is a strong influence in their choice.

Of those who said they see the election as their view on Trump, most vote for Biden, 66 percent to 34 percent. When people see it as a judgement on just Biden, they vote for Trump, also 66 percent to 34 percent.

With voters who see it as a comparison between the two voters, slightly more are voting for Trump, 53 percent, over Biden, who shored up 47 percent support.

The same poll found Biden and Trump are basically tied nationally and in battleground states. Trump received 50 percent nationally among likely voters, while Biden had 49 percent support. In battleground states 50 percent of likely voters chose Biden while 49 percent backed Trump.

Both candidates have secured more than enough delegates to be considered their respective parties' presumptive nominees but will be officially nominated at their parties' conventions this summer.

The poll was conducted among 2,063 U.S. adult residents between June 5 and 7. It also included an oversample in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The poll's margin of error is 3.2 percentage points among all adults and 3.8 points among registered voters.