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Urinalysis and Urine Culture - Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version


Urinalysis, the testing of urine, may be necessary in the evaluation of kidney and urinary tract disorders and can also help evaluate bodywide disorders such as diabetes or liver problems. A urine sample is usually collected using the clean-catch method or another sterile method. For example, a method to obtain an uncontaminated urine sample involves passing a catheter through the urethra into the bladder.Lab TestUrinalysisUrine cultures, in which bacteria from a urine sample are grown in a laboratory, are done to diagnose a urinary tract infection. Cultures are not part of routine urinalysis. The sample of urine must be obtained by the clean-catch method (see sidebar Obtaining a Clean-Catch Urine Sample) or by briefly inserting a sterile catheter through the urethra into the bladder.Lab TestBacteria Culture TestObtaining a Clean-Catch Urine SampleThe head of a man’s penis or opening of a woman’s urethra is cleansed, usually with a small pad that contains an antiseptic substance. Uncir...