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15 bonkers things Alex Jones said on his way to $1.5 billion judgment


Notorious right-wing radio host Alex Jones is going through some things, and it’s not just because people suddenly found out that adjudicated sexual assaulter and convicted felon Donald Trump claimed he had an “amazing” reputation. The infamousfalse flag” flapper, 9/11 truther, and amphibian homophobe is reportedly liquidating his assets to pay the hefty damages he owes to the Sandy Hook families he defamed in the wake of the horrific school shooting. And according to some media reports, this could finally be his Waterloo—if Waterloo is a place where a guy who believes in secret Obama weather machines was forced to cough up $1.5 billion for being an unrepentant asshole.

And hey, it’s about effing time.

To paraphrase Martin Luther King Jr., the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward Alex Jones sitting in his grandma’s basement eating off-brand Funyuns and watching Spanish-dubbed “Saved by the Bell” reruns.