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Higher ability to withstand volatile market: 5 large cap stocks from different sector with right level of RoE and upside potential of upto 32%

In the last ten years, there are many industries which have either emerged as fresh plays or there are some which have emerged due to the fact that troubles they were facing have gotten over. This led to the emergence of a new set of large cap companies. A number of them have a strength which is not easily replicable either because of the fact that industry is such that it can have only one or two players, in case of other the need of service and size of the industry is so big that there is room for everyone to grow and this particular player has its house in order to grab bigger share and grow more efficiently. The reason why it is important to focus on such players is the fact that these players will have an alpha when it comes to growth. Also a big reason is that the growth path of these companies is stronger than many others.