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FB-22: The U.S. Air Force Could Have Built an F-22 Bomber


Summary: The U.S. Air Force once considered developing a bomber variant of the F-22 Raptor, known as the FB-22, in the early 2000s.

-This medium-range bomber would have used the F-22's stealth and speed to penetrate enemy defenses and deliver precision munitions like the JDAM.

-However, the project faced numerous challenges, such as the need for significant modifications to the airframe, increased payload capacity, and maintaining stealth capabilities.

-Ultimately, the FB-22 concept was shelved in favor of developing a new bomber, which led to the creation of the B-21 Raider.

-Despite its cancellation, the FB-22 idea demonstrated innovative thinking within the Air Force.

FB-22: The Bomber Variant of the F-22 Raptor That Almost Was

You know it as a fighter, but some of the Air Force brass had plans to make it a bomber at one point. The F-22 Raptor had a planned twin called the FB-22 that would have been bigger and maybe just as stealthy, although not as agile.

The Secretary of the Air Force was in favor of the bomber variant in the early to mid-2000s.

The program ultimately got axed, but the development of the FB-22 may have resulted in the starting point for the B-21 Raider stealth bomber.

Not a Bad Idea

Then-Secretary of the Air Force James Roche and others had an idea in 2003. What if they took a stealth platform that was extremely fast and maneuverable, and used it as a medium-range bomber? This would fill a hole in the arsenal. The FB-22 could have flown in close to enemy targets by sneaking past air defenses and dropping precision munitions such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bomb. Roche was so excited that he wanted the Air Force to order 150 FB-22s.

The F-22 Was Tested as a Standoff Bomber

The potential use of a JDAM by the F-22 was actually tested in 2006. The F-22 pushed its capability to successfully test-drop a JDAM at a target. The Raptor was flying at 50,000 feet and at MACH 1.5. The bomb was dropped at 1,000 feet – 24 nautical miles from its target. This showed the F-22 could attack at a stand-off range.

It Was Going to Take A Lot of Work

Now, this was something to think about. Making the F-22 into a full-time bomber was going to take some changes to the platform. This meant an extra payload with a longer fuselage and probably a co-pilot/ weapons officer, maybe even a delta-shaped wing.

The added cockpit could have changed the stealth characteristics.

The larger payload and more bombs attached could also have also rendered stealthiness less effective due to changes in the radar-absorbent materials. The current F-22 can only hold two 1,000 JDAMs inside the airplane. External bombs on the wing hard points would have affected radar evasion. So that became a troubling pattern.

The more changes made would result in less stealth. Plus, the F-22 would have required extra fuel capacity. Refueling was also a concern. Flying deep into enemy territory would need at least one re-fueling and that would require a tanker to have greater range.

FB-22: A Stealth Regional Bomber: The Questions Mount 

If the FB-22 could have been nuclear-capable and intercontinental, the changes would have made sense. But the FB-22 was going to be a regional bomber. If it were based in Guam, could it have reached Taiwan? If it were based in Germany could it have reached Russian targets? If it were based in Qatar could it have made it to Iran?

The FB-22 concept eventually failed and the brass opted for starting a new bomber program that became the B-21.

But you have to give the Air Force credit for trying. The thinking was: use an existing platform with some mature and innovative technology instead of designing something brand new. 

About the Author

Brent M. Eastwood, PhD, is the author of Humans, Machines, and Data: Future Trends in Warfare. He is an Emerging Threats expert and former U.S. Army Infantry officer.

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