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Relief to outrage: Sun readers react to Trump’s conviction | READER COMMENTARIES


Didn’t the Clintons teach us sex doesn’t matter in politics?

Jeez, I thought that Bill and Hillary wrote the book, and established as settled law, that anything related to boorish sexual behavior was irrelevant to one’s qualifications for becoming president.  So to your question in the editorial, “Trump: Guilty on all counts; a sad, surreal day in America” (May 30), as to whether it will matter in the election, I would doubt it.

— Dave Reich, Perry Hall

Trump sentence should prove no one is above the law

Now that a jury has returned a guilty verdict in all 34 charges against Donald Trump, he should bear the same punishment as any other citizen who has been convicted of these crimes (“Guilty: Trump becomes first former U.S. president convicted of felony crimes,” May 30). He should serve as an example of the tenet that no one is above the law. He should not be granted leniency because of the threat of violence. He certainly should not be granted leniency based on his role as a former president. On the contrary, if anything a president should be held to a higher standard than an ordinary citizen.

— Walter Levy, Pikesville 

What was ‘stunning’ about a fixed outcome?

Well here I go — “never quarrel with a man who buys ink by the barrel” — as you lead with “a stunning result” from the Manhattan courtroom in your editorial about the Trump trial verdict. Really? Were the Sunpapers aware of just what was happening leading up to and during that trial: special judge selection, change of venue denied, all but three or so of the defense objections overruled, a gag order on the defendant but no one else, no sequestered jury, the judge’s family member worked on Democratic campaigns. Again: really? You are stunned at the outcome? C’mon Sunpapers at least show some honesty in your editorial.

— Roland Moskal, Baltimore

No, Donald, the trial wasn’t rigged

No, Donald, Judge Merchan is not corrupt, he is meticulous and honest (“Maryland Republicans react after former president’s guilty verdict: ‘I think it will just solidify that Trump support,’” May 30). But you wouldn’t know how to recognize honesty. No, Donald, the trial wasn’t rigged. It followed prescribed procedures for giving attention to actual facts and the real requirements of the law. But you wouldn’t know true facts since you spread thick and widespread lies to cover up your felonies. No, Donald, this wasn’t political retribution, although that is what you keep promising if you ever set foot in the White House again. It was bringing you to legal accountability because even presidents are not above the law. “Disgrace,” Donald, is a word you like to use when you don’t get your way. The word suits you perfectly.

— Bruce Joffe, Piedmont, California

Shame on U.S. Rep Andy Harris for blaming Biden

Rep. Andy Harris is quoted in The Sun as saying the Donald Trump criminal trial verdict “is a travesty of justice and a blatant attempt by the Biden Justice Department to jail a political opponent” (“Maryland Republicans react after former president’s guilty verdict: ‘I think it will just solidify that Trump support,'” May 30). Were Trump’s lawyers not allowed to present their side of the case? Were they allowed to bring their own witnesses? Were they allowed to cross-examine witnesses? Were they allowed to participate in the jury selection? Twelve men and women, after hearing weeks of evidence, came to a unanimous decision. And what evidence is there that the Biden administration played a role? This was through the courts of the state of New York.

Rep. Harris surely is not ignorant of any of these facts. To blame our system of justice for Trump’s failings is irresponsible. Shame on him!

— Wes Michael, Towson

What was the point of the trial?

First off I am not a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter. I am an independent. My comments are about the results of a useless trial on a candidate in a presidential election. Being a felon does not prevent Trump from running as a presidential candidate nor prevent him from serving as president if elected. So what was the purpose of the trial? Based on most comments he will not be sentenced to serve time in prison.

So Trump is found guilty, he will not serve time, he is still the Republican candidate and it has not affected his strategy or life.  It probably means nothing to him and he sees it as a joke.  Justice has been served but there are no ramifications.  Seems like a waste of time.

Mr. Trump said after the trial the “the real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people”  when the next president of the United States is elected.  Unfortunately that is the truth.

— Stas Chrzanowski Baltimore

Verdict suggests democracy’s obituary is premature

The guilty verdict in Donald Trump’s New York case demonstrates that perhaps there is justice after all. He’s appealing, and we may never see him pay for his conviction on 34 counts, but the verdict brought at least some measure of accountability. Even as a federal judge in Florida slow-walks Trump’s documents case, and the Supreme Court does the same on presidential immunity and the Jan. 6 indictment, a jury of Trump’s peers in New York made clear that we remain a nation of laws not of men. I hope that means that democracy’s obituary is premature.

— Herb Cromwell, Catonsville

What Netanyahu likely thinks about Trump’s convictions

Now that Donald Trump has been convicted on all 34 counts that were brought against him, I imagine Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, who is accused of multiple corruption charges in that country, is looking across land and sea at Trump and thinking to himself, “There but for the grace of war I could be that man!”

— Usha Nellore, Bel Air

‘We the people’ have spoken

Donald Trump, America speaks: in 1787, in the U.S. Constitution, “We the people”; 1974,when a president resigns, “We the people”; in 2020, during the presidential election, “We the people”; and in 2024, after a finding of guilty on all counts, “We the people.” We will continue to speak. Are you listening?

— Michael Jothen, Phoenix

Yes, Sun editorial board, the trial was rigged.

Your editorial claiming a sad day in America is correct but for the exact opposite reason than you state. This trial, despite what you say, was rigged. Consider the following: A former federal prosecutor was not allowed to testify about his interviews with Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in which Cohen allegedly said he had nothing on Trump and Trump knew nothing of the payments. Stormy Daniels gave interviews years ago in which she said there was nothing between her and Trump; this was not allowed in court. The judge’s daughter is a huge democratic fundraiser. A one-way gag order was imposed on Trump while the prosecutor and his witnesses were free to speak.  This unconstitutional behavior, this overreaching federal government will turn on you someday. Once these people reach their ultimate goal you will be the ones who are told what you can print and what you can say. Take a look at history.

— Jack Wilding, Greensboro

Now it’s up to the voters to render a verdict

Stormy Daniels told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In doing so, she played a key role in helping to convict Donald Trump of all 34 charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment he made to her after the two had sex. Now it is up to us to make sure  felon Trump is defeated in the Nov. 5th election, so that our democracy is preserved and protected.

— Mel Tansill, Catonsville