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Palestinian state an unlikely solution | READER COMMENTARY


Some European countries support a Palestinian state (“The World Daily Brief: Spain, Ireland, and Norway will officially recognize Palestinian statehood,” May 22), but who exactly is going to run it? Will it be the terrorist organization Hamas, which is about to be demolished in Gaza, or will it be the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank that hasn’t had an election for 20 years, is notoriously corrupt and disliked even by the majority of Palestinians under its control?

No one seems to have figured that one out yet.

The prospect for a future Palestinian state is rather bleak. With the exception of Israel, which is a thriving democracy, the rest of the Middle East consists either of failed states such as Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan or dictatorships such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey, and heaven knows the world has enough dictatorships and failed states without adding another one.

— Jack Kinstlinger, Towson

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