Beantown pol uses racism as both sword & shield
For some members of the political community, claims of racism have utility as either a sword or a shield.
Take, for example, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who in 2018 challenged her supporters to harass members of President Donald Trump's administration, on the issue of family separations at the border, wherever these Republican leaders were found, whether "in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd." In 2021, on a different issue, Waters told protesters to "get more confrontational." However, in 2024, in an outrageous act of hypocrisy, when she personally was confronted at a restaurant by a protester, who by no means was antagonistic, the black congresswoman used the label of racism as a shield, ridiculously claiming it was the motivation behind the confrontation.
Today, in Boston, we see a woman council member of color who is Muslim, aggressively resorting to using racism as a sword to slay critics. Interestingly, these are not critics who target her race or religion but rather who question her actions aimed at "dismantling the white background" in America by "creating a revolution."
The woman in question is Tania Anderson. She is credited as being the "first formally undocumented African-born immigrant and first Muslim" to hold office in the city of Boston. A municipal hall employee – preferring to remain anonymous for fear of what Anderson might do – has gone public about the councilwoman's outrageous threats and antics. The dismayed employee, whom we will call "X," says that Anderson has an aggressive, anti-Semitic and verbally abusive personality, making it difficult for others in the city's administration to deal with her.
All fear Anderson's rants and rages. She is, X believes, "a troubled person" who opts to push her agenda by accusing others of bigotry. Anderson gave a strong indication of what she believed to be wrong with America in a December 2021 interview after winning her council seat. She claimed she sought to "start a revolution" for "equity."
In June 2022, she proposed a resolution – unanimously adopted – that apologized for the city's historical role in the Atlantic slave trade. Unsurprisingly, not wishing to taint her own status as a legacy victim, there was no mention of the fact that those slaves were the product of tribal warfare in Africa in which the black victors sold the black vanquished to white traders and slavery. In other words, but for the participation of the tribal victors, the institution would probably not have evolved very far beyond slavery's prior existence on the African continent. But for Anderson, accountability only goes back so far.
Boston City Council Member Tania Anderson
Anderson has been a trigger for creating an uncomfortable working environment for the council members. She is known for her outbursts, which she calls "smoke," to intimidate those members, stating, "I am not afraid of any of you" in a March 2024 meeting. In one smoke outburst, she called the council "depraved," "stupidly racist" and "racially divided." She then shouted, "I'm not going to call you cowards, because your desperation is worthy of mercy. … I am the voice of every black woman and man in my community."
X reports the smoke works as members cave to her demands, since "nobody wants to disagree with Tania, as she is unpredictable." X adds, "The last thing anyone wants to do is be labeled a racist." In the March meeting above, Anderson slammed her fist on the table, throwing all decorum out the window by exclaiming, "What do I need to do to be respected as a black woman in this f—ing council?" One should probably answer her question by advising she behave more like a respectable council member rather than a grimalkin.
After the Oct. 7, 2023, raid by Hamas into Israel and its massacre of 1,200 civilians, Anderson attempted to get another resolution passed calling for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire – in other words, she sought to deny Israel the right to defend itself. What especially caused a problem was her description in the resolution of Hamas' act of terrorism as a "military operation" – obviously words she chose in order to tone down the fact a massacre had occurred. When this resolution failed to pass, a sobbing Anderson lambasted her colleagues, saying, "Get up and condemn all civilians and kids slaughtered, not only those who support your political bulls—." Ironically, that was exactly what Anderson was doing with her failed resolution demonstrating little concern or emotion for the lives of the Israeli civilians and children claimed by Hamas. She should be counseled to practice what she preaches.
X shares that Anderson has spent the last months since the Gaza war started working on anti-Israel resolutions, paying little attention to her responsibilities as a council member. Interestingly, her anti-Israel hatred did not distract her from voting for a pay raise that overrode the mayor's veto. Now earning $115,000 annually, a phased-in raise will increase it to $125,000. Meanwhile, disregarding ethical compliance regulations, she has put both her sister and brother on the staff payroll.
Complaints about Anderson claim she is unfit for office – the evidence of which she seems to provide fairly regularly. She neither embraces the America that welcomed her nor seeks to promote legislative interests in the name of the common good. Should action be taken to remove her from office, there is no doubt she will drop the sword of racism she aggressively has been using to pick up racism's shield.
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