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Austin adding cameras in parks to stop break-ins


AUSTIN (KXAN) — For the past several years car break-ins have been an ongoing issue at many popular Austin parks.

Unsuspecting visitors will park their cars, leaving valuables inside-- only to return to shattered glass and their belongings gone.

In the past, the city has put up signs to warn visitors-- and at one point-- even used fake cameras. But nothing has really worked until recently.

In June 2023, the city launched a pilot program and installed real cameras at 10 popular Austin parks known for break-ins.

"We have amazing park system in Austin," said Mina Koonz, who loves to run around Lady Bird Lake. "There are so many trails that runners or walkers can use."

Koonz said she has never had her car broken into, but she knows not to leave any valuables visible.

"I have heard of friends getting their cars broken into," Koonz said.

"We saw a huge rise in break-ins of vehicles or burglary of vehicles," said LeAnn Ishcomer, Park Ranger program manager for the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department.

KXAN searched crime data for Mount Bonnell, which is known for car break-ins.

from January through May 2023, before the cameras were put in, the numbers were high.

In January 2023 there were 32 car break-ins, and in May there were 35.

"When we put the cameras out we saw that over time the crime decreased in the parks and it was a direct correlation," Ishcomer said.

A look at data from Mount Bonnell shows that after the cameras were installed, the numbers dropped drastically.

There were 10 car break-ins in June and nine in July, with none happening in November. That was the final month of the Pilot Program.

Mia Curiel said she worries about car break-ins when she is running the trail, but she was happy about the cameras and believes they can help catch the criminals responsible for break-ins.

"You can catch them, you can catch a face, what they dress like, the cars they may be aiming for," Curiel said. "I think that is great."

The pilot ended in November, and the city took the cameras down. However, they could be returning soon.

"We are going to be continuing with the cameras," Ishcomer said. "We are working right now to get them out there."

The city does have signs installed in many parks reminding people to lock their doors and hide their valuables.

While there is no set date on when the cameras will be added again, the city said it is currently working on getting them back up soon.

KXAN did reach out to find out which parks will receive the cameras and how much it will cost. When we hear back we will add this in the story.