News in English

General Election 2024


With virtually all transport and cycling-related policy now a Scottish rather than a UK responsibility we are not asking individual candidates for statements or holding a hustings for the UK General Election. However, as always, we will give any useful information as it becomes available. Please let us know of hustings or other relevant events/ material.

Election Hustings & relevant events in Edinburgh, Lothians + some Scotland-wide

Constituency (or other)DateTimeWhereNotes/ Event type
Register to vote (if you are not registered)
Closing date…
June now!
Apply for postal vote Closing date…June now!
Edinburgh North & Leith June 241930-2130Broughton St Mary’s Church, Bellevue CresHustings
Election DayJuly 4all dayID needed if voting in person (not if postal)Don’t do a Boris, remember your ID!

Party websites and Manifesto links

Relevant manifesto analyses

To follow when available

PartyWebsite UKWebsite ScotlandManifesto (UK & Scotland)

Spokes members who are candidates

To follow when all candidates announced

At the 2019 general election, 4 candidates were Spokes members – how many this time?  As always, we only list candidates who were Spokes members at the time the election was called. Please let us know at once if you spot any omissions. 

We do not endorse candidates.   The choice is yours.

Community information websites

There is now a vast amount of community information made available by skilled people, often volunteers, working together in organisations such as My Society, Democracy Club and Who Targets Me – funded in whole or part by voluntary donations. Their political online tools, most of which you use by entering your postcode, include…

  • WhoCanIVoteFor See your candidates, then click on each for a mass of publicly available background information [local by-elections are also listed]
  • SwapMyVote Is your preferred party a no-hoper in your seat? Swap your vote with someone where it could really count.
  • WhereDoIVote How to find your polling station
  • ElectionLeaflets A massive resource of election leaflets, used for research and to hold those elected to account. – You can help by photoing/scanning and uploading any that you receive
  • WhoTargetsMe? A browser extension to crowdsource political adverts
  • TheyWorkForYou Click on your MP or MSP, and find publicly available info about their activities [Obviously during an election period MPs become ‘former MPs’ but, remarkably, during election night the new MP names are entered into the site almost in real time!]
  • WriteToThem Find and email any of your elected representatives, from councillors to MEPs.

Election pages from local Councils

Including registering to vote, how to be a candidate, full lists of local candidates, important dates, etc, etc…

Other useful sites

How you can help

  • Send us any useful updates to this article – particularly hustings details, including link to relevant website or FB etc
  • Spread this information by retweeting the tweet of this article