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Pune Rerun?: Kalyan Teen Drives Dad’s BMW Without License With Man On Bonnet | WATCH


Amidst the backdrop of the Pune Porsche car crash horror which left two young IT professionals dead, another video of an underaged driver’s antics s going viral on social media showing a 17-year-old boy purportedly driving his father’s expensive BMW without a license whilst a man is seen lying comfortably on the car’s bonnet while vehicle moves through the busy streets of Kalyan city in Thane district of Maharashtra.

Videos of the teen’s dangerous stunt which have gone viral on social media platforms show the 17-year-old driving his dad’s BMW in the busy Shivaji Chowk area of Kalyan city on Saturday (May 25), while a man identified as Subham Mithila, “rides” lying on the bonnet of the vehicle.


Meanwhile, police took cognizance of the incident and arrested Mithila and also booked the teenage boy who was driving the BMW car, as well as his father, a retired government official who owns the car. an  official said Monday.

“The teenager was inspired by social media reels and made his father buy the second-hand BMW car for Rs 5 lakh, and drove it on the street without a driving license,” a senior police officer said.

“The boy  and his father have been booked under relevant sections of the law,” senior police inspector Suresh Gund told reporters, adding that the later has also been served with a notice.

Pune Porsche horror

The incident comes close on the heels of the Pune Porshe horror, wherein a minor boy allegedly ran over two IT professionals, a man and a woman, after hitting their motorbike with his expensive car in the early hours of May 19 in Kalyani Nagar area of Pune city.

The teen, reportedly the son of an influential businessman, was initially let off by the court with a mild slap-on-the-wrist esque judgement, asking him to a “write a 300-word essay on accident prevention”. However, following nationwide outrage, the boy and his father were booked by the Pune Police, who have claimed that the teen was drunk at the time of the accident and have petitioned to try him as an adult.