News in English

Unprecedented floods in Ghor; victims complain of hardships


Written By: Zahra Rashidi

A number of residents in Ghor province say that the recent floods have severely affected them, and they now need assistance seriously.

Mohibullah, a 50-year-old man whose home and belongings were washed away by the devastating floods of recent days, now lives with his wife and five young children in a blue tent provided by a charity organization.

This man, from the village of “Dara-e-Sheikhs” in the Ferozkoh city center of Ghor province, says, “The flood destroyed our house and took all our belongings. Now we live in this tent without facilities, facing many difficulties.”

He also mentions that the floods destroyed all water sources in the area, forcing people to use unhealthy and muddy water, which has led to an increase in diseases, especially among children and women.

Gulpari, another resident of “Dara-e-Sheikhs” village, shares her experience of the devastating floods and her living conditions, saying, “The flood took everything we had; our living conditions are very bad. We urgently need food, water, and household items.”

She adds that the cold nights and the use of unhealthy water have made her children sick, and she cannot afford their treatment.

These residents of Ghor province describe the recent devastating floods as unprecedented and call on officials and national and international aid organizations to take serious action to help the flood victims in Ghor.

Meanwhile, Amanullah, a resident of “Dahan-e-Dara-e-Sheikhs” in Ferozkoh city, says, “I am 57 years old, and neither I nor my ancestors remember such a flood in this area. The situation of the people is very difficult, and we hope the de facto administration and organizations will help.”

Not only the flood victims of the “Dara-e-Sheikhs” area are complaining about their living conditions. Reports from Murghab, Chaharsada, Shahrak districts, and some villages of Ferozkoh city center in Ghor province also speak of the dire situation of the flood victims.

On the other hand, local officials in Ghor report the ongoing relief efforts for the flood victims. Recently, the Red Crescent Society in this province distributed food and non-food items to 150 families affected by the recent floods.

As a result of the devastating floods in recent days in the center and some districts of Ghor province, several people, including women and children, have lost their lives, and irreparable damage has been inflicted on the people.

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