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Wyden honors Dustoff Crews for work in Vietnam

Wyden honors Dustoff Crews for work in Vietnam

On Saturday, Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden -- who is working on a bill to award a collective Congressional Gold Medal to Dustoff Crew members -- was in Oregon City saluting some of them for their service, including Gary Hagen.

OREGON CITY, Ore. (KOIN) -- During the Vietnam War, Dustoff Crews were special medivac helicopter crews that landed in dangerous area to pick up wounded soldiers and whisk them to a hospital. They risked their lives to evacuate hundreds of thousands over an 11-year period beginning in 1962.

On Saturday, Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden -- who is working on a bill to award a collective Congressional Gold Medal to Dustoff Crew members -- was in Oregon City saluting some of them for their service, including Gary Hagen.

Hagen previously earned the Silver Star for gallantry in action for evacuating 21 patients while under fire.

"This is a very significant recognition," Wyden said. "It is hard after you listen to the stories to recognize how important it is that we all recognize the Dust Off crews."

The bill honoring the Dustoff Crews recently passed the US Senate and now moves to the House.