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Signs point to the return of Javanka, outrageous corruption and all


Don’t look now, but several ill omens point to the possible return of Javanka, the ultra-glamorous Washington power couple who make John and Jackie Kennedy look like two drugged howler monkeys fighting over a tube of stale Pringles.

Ivanka Trump and her alabaster beau Jared Kushner are nothing if not opportunists, and while they might have been temporarily put off by Donald Trump’s fascistic, Reich-wing ambitions—and the high-society defenestration that ensued—Ivanka might be hearing that jackboots are in vogue again and is ready to dip a single toe back into the fire swamp. If she relaunches her lifestyle biz and releases a new line of Hers and Himmler’s bath towels, you’ll know for certain she’s all in.