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MORE LIES! Joe Biden Tells West Point Grads He Was “Appointed” to the Naval Academy Where He “Wanted to Play Football” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Saturday took a break from his weekend vacation in Delaware to deliver the 2024 commencement address at the United States Military Academy, West Point, in New York.

81-year-old Biden shuffled onto the stage.


Joe Biden slurred his way through the commencement address.

At one point what’s left of Joe Biden’s brain broke.

“The fall he a tied, that fall he decided, look — I shouldn’t get into this, probably,” Biden said.


Biden lied to the West Point grads and claimed he was “appointed” to the Naval Academy.

“I was appointed by my – the fellow I ran against when I was 29 years old to the Naval Academy. I was one of ten. I wanted to play football and the day I was supposed to go down for the interview, a classmate of mine was also one of the ten appointed…” Biden said. “I said, well, I’m not going there. I’m going to Delaware ha ha ha. Not a joke!”

This is one of Biden’s favorite lies. There is no proof to back up these claims. Biden is a legend in his own mind.


After slurring through his remarks, Biden had to be guided to his seat.

“That’s all?” Biden said.

What a disgrace.

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