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Chat log from R11 of 2024: Richmond vs Essendon


Number 8: Green and Tsatas are the subs
circle52: Apologies all to start I have the C on Merrett
circle52: Tsatas and Green the subs
Troglodyte: Any idea if any gun mids getting fwd status tomorrow?
Pavs: Green and Tsatas subs. Took me a while to find it
Troglodyte: Asking for a friend who needs to update their spreadsheet…
EvilMonk: be nice if Tracca did @Trog but I have no idea buddy
Number 8: 12 premiership players for the Tigers tonight, just sayin’
zadolinnyj: Gents. Hopefully a draw
Hun7ahs: Please Vlastuin, dont do me in like last week
Gotigres: From premiership players to feather dusters Number 8
DiggaDogga: Jesus Number 8, that’s like saying The Beach Boys had 12 number 1s. Youwouldn’t pay to see them now though.
Hun7ahs: Its like anzac day, i wouldnt call the tigs out, big occasion games get weird
Troglodyte: One can hope Monk. At least one gun mid would be great. Only 3 fwd locks is frustrating…
BigChief: Cats had 15 premiership players today Number 8. Doesn’t mean much.
Pavs: DiggaDog. Lol
TimT14: Let’s go tigers! Expecting a big game from Vlastuin
Number 8: I just wonder if we’re letting the Tigers off too lightly. Yes, missing lots of players, but still talent on the field
Troglodyte: start the game already… shuddup Johnson
Number 8: Cats do looked cooked, Chief. Been a bad month for them.
huffpuffly: come on tigers don’t play shit
Gotigres: Nick Martin below 70 please sc gods
sheezel420: niccy mart gonna smash 200
huffpuffly: big game nic martin
EvilMonk: blow the siren! yay tiges ^_^
Pavs: Incorrect Gotigres 120+
Troglodyte: Hey its Ridley – forgot about that bloke…
sheezel420: dustys cooked
hawkers317: Go Merrett I have the C on him after failed butters Vc
Gotigres: Time will tell Pavs
LionBoy: Was at the Lions Tigers game last week. Hope the crowd get a better tiger version than that effort.
huffpuffly: horrible defending from the tigers
Troglodyte: Go Nicky Martin olay olay olay…
Hun7ahs: they can blow the siren again @monk, yay tiges ^_^
Hun7ahs: a draw would be nice actually
EvilMonk: @Hun7ahs I love a good upset!
Hun7ahs: speaking of upset, im still upset that the pies lost
Hun7ahs: a draw there is a loss to me
Troglodyte: Le Fowl aka The Chook… love to hear it
Ash777: Martin the game has started
BigChief: Ridley going to effect Martin’s scoring?
2Ph0nes: its not about effort lionboy, its about personel. hard to be competitive when you have 21 injuries on your list
Hun7ahs: stringer is on, 20 for the big 200 maybe haha
LionBoy: Great goal
Getup: Tiges so many injuries with ya 2phones
Silz90: Is Andrew Russell working at Richmond too
navy_blues: more like 16 2phones 21 is adding a few lol
huffpuffly: what a goal
Hun7ahs: martin wound back the clock with that one, what a goal
TheLegend6: vintage dusty
zadolinnyj: What a goal
2Ph0nes: peanut blues it was 21 last week, was talking about the lions game muppet lol
Silz90: How many best 22 or 23 though 2 phones
Phasir: Tig fans and the media need to cut the crap with the woe is Richmond shit. Only 13 unavailable players tonight.
frenzy: great more popcorn
Phasir: You can talk when you can only field 20 AFL listed players and need to use top ups from the VAFA
navy_blues: well dont stretch the truth i say
2Ph0nes: our list is shit anyway, wouldnt be top 12 if we were injury free all year
2Ph0nes: but phasir i would say 8 players out of best team
Troglodyte: Want a tissue?
navy_blues: i want tigers to win lol but doubt it
clay007: I feel sorry for tigers, so many injuries. What do you think phasir?
2Ph0nes: navy lol no chance mate
Silz90: Same navy, dons due to lose one surely
soup: Martin makes me ill to watch as a non owner
TheLegend6: they are silz, but not tonight
clay007: The dons have a pretty favourable draw from what I can see.
clay007: They have had north, eagles and tigers already and have eagles in a few weeks.
Oddsy5: clay essendon have the toughest draw from here on out, which could be bad for us
exatekk: who said it could be a draw? Put $$ on draw at any quarter, so thankyou!!
clay007: Well, they have set themselves up oddsy. You must bank your wins. Pies are banking draws
circle52: Cox subbed
Kidult: Only 3 teams look like a challenge for Essendon in the run home
Yelse: essendon have one of the easiest runs home
Yelse: teams shouldn’t be plying another team twice until all have played each other once so dumb
Yelse: pies don’t play tigers till round 20
Pavs: Cats banked their wins then went on hoildays. Not back yet
TheLegend6: It should be play against every team twice, home and away. But thats too many games.
clay007: I agree Yelse, try and create some sort of equality.
Troglodyte: Get in the game Baker, Le Chook is getting called more than you
Silz90: Contract year for stringer ?
clay007: Baker works better in the early mornings trog
Ash777: yes it is silz
OffaStep: Sick of the “sizzles it” call already.
Silz90: Hope laverde gets dropped for Reid soon
Troglodyte: This is true clay. Lucky to get a dozen…
Number 8: Geez, Samson Ryan is a deadset pumpkin
soup: Marto 16 touches for 32 SC.. thank god
Troglodyte: Keep going Nicky olay olay olay
clay007: Ridley didn’t need a game to warm-up.
Pavs: Doesn’t seem to get looked after by CD Nick Martin.
Ash777: Laverde wont be dropped. It’s time to move on Reid.
Yelse: doesn’t martin go off ti the pine
clay007: Not many contested pssies pavs. Hballs too much also. Allergic to tackling.
Silz90: No good defender rookies at the moment ash. Phillips got dropped I think
navy_blues: martin is a seagull 2 cont poss out of 16 lol
Ash777: wtf was that free for
soup: Freijah gonna be the only downgrade option next week haha
Pavs: Understand the scoring more talking about what is classed a contested poss or how to judge a clanger
BigChief: Leek Aleer is 1 Silz
Number 8: Not a great few minutes for the officiators
original: or what is classed a long kick. or sometimes, even what is deemed effective. it will alwys be a little subjective CD
Pavs: Haha just had a clanger taken off him
Yelse: @soup what is freijah going up by?
Silz90: Thanks he 100% holds his spot now
soup: @yelse I think he is going to be about 170k but between him or will Dawson
original: freijah is not a downgrade option, he will be too pricy
wadaramus: 65 Days Of Static.
Gotigres: Obviously God has Ridley captain. What great foresight God has.
soup: My mistake, 179k. And yes original but who else?
Silz90: Zerrett lift son
Yelse: how do you know the exact price rise?
pcaman2003: Ridley back and now on the shopping list of possibilities.
Hazza09: Get moving Merrett ffs
eaglesrick: richmond back doing richmond things.
soup: @yelse Bricemitchell on Twitter, posts price updates of nearly all relevant players
wadaramus: Heat Death Infinity Splitter.
Gotigres: What are you going on about wada?
Ash777: man they missed baker
wadaramus: Just some excellent Post Rock I am listening to
Pavs: It’s a band Gotigres from Raspels neck of the woods I think?
Hun7ahs: vlastuin is cooked 2 weeks in a row, so sad
Silz90: Bolton 1 week?
Silz90: Ignore that comment lol
Gotigres: Ok wada
clay007: Merrett faking. This is a new tactic by players.
wadaramus: Good call Pavs, from Sheffield.
navy_blues: lefau sore by the looks
BigChief: Fine Merrett for staging and it might stop it.
Gotigres: Thanks pavs
Pavs: Impressive backline the bombers.
Number 8: Don’t like to see faking by good players like Merrett. Play it fair, son
Raspel31: Someone mention my name? Yep, a band.
Trindacut: Merrett a grub. Maybe needs to look at winning on talent, not headbutted the ground
wadaramus: How good is European Prog/Post Rock Raspel, fucking outrageous.
Raspel31: Pretty damned good wasa.
wadaramus: If it wasn’t for Spotify, I would have no idea of it’s existence.
Raspel31: To quote The Sports- Who Listens to The Radio.
Vultures: well if the umpires weren’t such idiots they wouldn’t try sucking them in
wadaramus: To quote Limp Bizkit – All Radio Is Dead.
wadaramus: Watching a live st from 65 Days Of Static from 2019, superb.
Raspel31: Spotify great- alwats suggesting new stuff. Ridley $530- tempting.
wadaramus: LOL, always looking for the next bargain Raspel.
Pavs: 50 traded him in and 1 traded him out lol
wadaramus: Yes, without Spotify I would not know Steven Wilson, Porcupine Tree, Anathema, Maybeshewill, Long Distance Calling, Coll
wadaramus: Back on the game please.
Raspel31: I think Langford plays for Anathema- yep, some good bands there.
wadaramus: Black Sabbath. Led Zeppelin. The Beatles. The Rolling Stones. Pink Floyd.
Pavs: Look at Rasp not breaking the rules. lol
Hazza09: what’s with Merrett and his shit starts to qtrs
Raspel31: Well, at least it gave Langford a kick up the butt Pavs.
Raspel31: By the way Pavs- how did Geelong go this afternoon? Was out. Asking for a friend.
Ash777: umps got sucked into that from gresham
Vultures: in the back ? lol umpire
TimT14: Gresham dived forward
Pavs: You have a very curious friend Rasp
Vultures: Geelong get the March champion award
Pavs: I’ll take that Vultures. A smart person would probably trade out Stewart for Ridley
thommoae: Happy to answer for you, Pavs.
Vultures: Oh wouldn’t count Stewart out just yet.. Rids 1st game back playing out of his skin..
Pavs: All yours thommoae, I do love having Ridley in my side though Vultures. I wont do it though don’t trade out Premo’s
desa2024: If Ridley plays like this next week, he is coming into my team.
Raspel31: If anyone brings Ridley in after one good game they are simply an idiot. My middle name is idiot.
TimT14: Just remember he’s playing the tigers who bomb it long and pray
original: has anyone ever spent more time on the bench perkins (draft team FFS wtf
2Ph0nes: yea tigs have no key forward, ridley gives no fucks, see how he plays next week
Silz90: Gresham is average
Pavs: Form on the board though TimT look at last year
Hazza09: piss weak Merrett
navy_blues: cmon tigs you can win this
Pavs: Not as good as i thought TimT
hawkers317: 100 point last quater please merrett
sheezel420: merrett lol
Silz90: Did anyone see nank and merrett after the siren lol
hawkers317: who did everyone Vc and C
hawkers317: Silz yes i did
Stu7: VC Naicos
Pavs: Vc and kept Ryan
Silz90: C on butters you
CamT: VC Ryan kept
Raspel31: Got stuck with Butters but worse fates.
2Ph0nes: merret been poor, thought he would go nuts tonight
Noxious: Vc Ryan, took that
circle52: VC Serong and C on Merrett – Always next week
FoopyTime: rids should be good with the intercept role if the rest of the defence dont get injured
2Ph0nes: anyonr know what darcy and clohsey break evens for next week?
Silz90: Clohesy will be 77
Silz90: Darcy 98
navy_blues: no way clohesy 77
Danstar: Same as me circle. I had Bont. Changed it before game started
Gotigres: Who else captained Ridley besides God?
hawkers317: me
hawkers317: nah i captained Zerrett
JaiDay12: Danstar I accidentally captained Bont, was nice to finally get a good captain’s score after some pretty poor weeks
navy_blues: cllohesy be 31 this week and got over his proj
Danstar: Should?ve put it on Gawn. Usually goes big after a poor game
Silz90: sorry i read the post on twitter incorrectly my bad
Raspel31: Langford was 21 at half tiime- wtf?
Kidult: 95 Darcy and 77 Clohesy @bricemitchell
Gotigres: Clohesey has 105 rolling out of his price cycle which means a higher BE ahead
Stu7: He had a poor game the week before too Danstar
Pavs: does his 100 drop out of the cycle?
Dondeal: Have you ever seen a team try to take dive for free kicks like Richmond?
Vultures: Gawn up agaist Marshall..
Raspel31: Clohesy to Ridley next week for me boyos.
Gotigres: yes Pavs
Stu7: Sorry Danstar I was referring to DT not SC
Silz90: ridley will score better with mckay in the team
clay007: Where is mckay silz?
Vultures: lol Clay
Danstar: Gawn can score well against anyone
clay007: Thx Vultures!
Silz90: lol i dont get it clay :/
Silz90: merrett you gun
hawkers317: Thank you Zachary Merrett
Stu7: Go back to sleep Merrett
Danstar: lol merret just went from 82 to 110 after that goal
clay007: You made it sound like McKay was not playing. Play on words silz.
Yelse: 20 for merret for that?
Hazza09: merettttttttt
Silz90: oh got ya clay sorry mate
hawkers317: Nice 30 point goal from Merrett
TheLegend6: Good captain merrett, keep going
Pavs: Langford. Rasp will go off
Danstar: Merret tax lol
Silz90: keep going martin junk time
clay007: Can the saints beat the dees tomoz?
Raspel31: Well not exactly Pavs- traded him out this week and at 21 at half time?
hawkers317: no
Danstar: Saints couldn?t beat under 12s dees
navy_blues: lol clay
Stu7: No way Clay they couldn?t beat Langwarrin 2nds
TimT14: I think saints get rolled
Pavs: Off in a bad way then Rasp soz
clay007: Langwarrin seconds are pretty good, but Saints Under 12’s side is no good.
Capn_Flash: 6 from 6 in terms of tips this weekend
clay007: Are you a peninsula boy stu7?
Capn_Flash: but tipping Hawks and Wce, so hope that pays off
Silz90: come on tigers kick a quick one
Vultures: Adel will smash WC
Stu7: Merrett C?s gotta be happy with that come back
BigChief: Nic Martin went home at 3/4 time. Plonker
Raspel31: Traded Langford out this week. Next week bringing Ridley in. Beware.
original: wat was merrett at 3QT
eaglesrick: you dont say vultures??
Vultures: lol nah eye DO say..
TheLegend6: Merrett on like 70 3QT
eaglesrick: just like you smashed freo huh?
FoopyTime: good game all in all
Pavs: Harley Reid has put a bit of chirp into these eagle supporters. Nice (Vultures is right though)
Vultures: ouch lol