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My laundry hack has changed my life – it’s gross but so satisfying to remove the buildup, my towels look brand new


A CLEANING fan has revealed how they remove dirt and other buildup from their laundry.

They said the hack helped them restore their sheets and towels, making them look brand new again.

A Redditor has dished on their laundry technique for keeping clothes, sheets, and towels pristine (stock photo)[/caption]

Redditor Steel_city835 detailed their deep-cleaning method in a post on the social media platform.

“Laundry stripping has changed my life,” they said.

They explained how they’ve used the technique on clothes as well as sheets and towels.

“This has completely saved my bath towels and they look brand new,” they said.

They included a picture of their laundry soaking in dirty water in a bathtub during the process.

“The photo is two king bed sheets being stripped with laundry detergent, Borax, and washing soda. It’s going on four hours. So gross, but so satisfying.

“Hopefully this restores my white one to almost new,” they wrote.


Laundry stripping is a cleaning method that involves soaking fabrics in a chemical solution of Borax, powdered detergent, and washing soda to break down dirt and buildup on clothes, according to Maytag, a home appliance brand.

Maytag explained that the process “could also leach out dye and naturally-occurring oils in fabric.”

“Always check your item’s care tag before using this method to make sure it can handle a hot water soak,” Maytag advised.

The Reddit user explained that the recipe calls for one-fourth cup of Borax, one-fourth cup of washing soda, and one cup of laundry detergent, but they only used a half cup of detergent.

They recommended using “extremely hot water” and leaving clothes, sheets, and towels to soak for four to six hours.

The original poster said they then put the load directly into the washing machine, without adding detergent.

After a full wash cycle, the laundry stripping was complete.

What is laundry stripping?

Laundry stripping is a deep-cleaning method used to break down dirt and other buildup on clothes and linens, according to home appliance brand Maytag.

It involves soaking fabrics in a bathtub filled with hot water and one-fourth cup of Borax, one-fourth cup of washing soda, and one cup of powdered detergent.

The appliance brand advised letting the laundry sit in the solution overnight and then rinsing it in the washing machine the next day.

Maytag noted that the process could “leach out dye and naturally-occurring oils” and should not be used on dark fabrics, workout clothes, wool, or cold-water clothes.

“Always check your item’s care tag before using this method to make sure it can handle a hot water soak,” the company advised.


Many Redditors weighed in on the clothes-washing technique.

“I always did this with just lots of hot water and vinegar,” one wrote.

“It’s a step that goes along with cloth diaper care. It’s meant to also remove clothes detergent and mineral buildup.”

Another noted that the post was a blast from the past, saying it triggered a “1970s memory.”

“My mom used to soak really dirty clothes in a bucket of Borax or Biz before washing,” they explained.

“She would dump the whole thing into the washer and go.”

The cleaning whizz uses a technique called ‘laundry stripping’ to rid their clothes and linens of dirt and buildup[/caption]