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Pro-trans activist vows to stop supporting trans rights after being raped by transgender 'woman'


(DAILY FETCHED) – A pro-transgender campaigner and women’s rights activist stunned listeners after revealing she has decided to stop supporting trans rights after being raped and beaten at the hands of a transgender woman.

The woman, known as ‘Kay,’ recalled her experience at an Oklahoma Let Women Speak event. “Up until that point I was like everybody else, live and let live,” she said with her voice shaking. “Ten is the number of years it’s been since I was brutally beaten and raped by a trans-identified male,” she said.

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“One time it took to change my mind. To open my eyes as see how our rights and protections are being eroded away.” Many of the women lined up to speak at the event in Tulsa slammed Joe Biden’s overhaul of Title IX protections to promote children’s LGBTQ rights, the Daily Mail reported.

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