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Presale Ticket Tips and Tricks | Presale Codes

Ah, the age-old mystery of the presale ticket. Before an event goes on sale, ticket wizards pull Houdini-like stunts and grab tickets out of thin air before anyone else can blink—right? Well, not exactly. There’s more to a presale than that and it doesn’t require any magic to take advantage—you only need to know where to look…Ticket Presales DefinedThe presale ticket period is when certain event tickets go on sale to a specified group of fans, usually as a reward for their membership or customer loyalty. In advance or during the presale timeframe*, these select fans are given a code which allows them to search for tickets to buy. Fans aren’t guaranteed a ticket during the presale, but they’re given the opportunity to browse ahead of other fans who don’t have the code.How to get a Presale CodeThe trick to getting presale codes is knowing where to find them. To make your presale hunt a little easier, we’ve put together the following list so you can determine the best ways to get tickets...