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DS Exclusive: Asbury Park’s Tide Bends unveil “Birthday,” brit-poppy new single from upcoming EP “Say Yeah”


Happy Friday, comrades!

Today’s DS Exclusive premiere comes to us all the way from one of my favorite places…Asbury Park, New Jersey! We’ve brought you music from AP bands like Yawn Mower and Bristler in the recent past, and today we’ve got Tide Bends for your listening pleasure. The band features Yawn Mower/Bristler’s Rudy Meier (guitars) teaming up with David Hough (vocals/guitar), Dan Nolan (drums) and MJ Hancock (bass) for a sound that is a fresh, modern, swamps of Jersey-inspired take on classic Madchester Britpop goodness.

Tide Bends’ Say Yeah EP is due out June 21st on Mint 400 Records, and you can check their new single, “Birthday,” today! Enjoy, and pre-save the EP while you’re at it!