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Grandmother of hospitalized boy shares her side regarding Ville Platte fight


VILLE PLATTE, La. (KLFY)-- Two women were charged with battery after a fight broke out in a Ville Platte hospital room. The fight was caught on video and now has garnered much attention. News 10 has been looking into the story and talked with one of the women who was charged with the battery of another woman.

Shalonda Tezeno said this video showing her and her daughter in an altercation with Hope Semien does not show what took place prior to the fight. She said the day before, her daughter and Semien passed words, resulting in Semien being asked not to come back. Tezeno said it wasn't until Semien refused multiple times to leave the hospital room, did the altercation happen.

"I had a phone call and they said, 'You need to get here. Hope doesn't want to get out of the room. The nurses came in the asking her to get out. She's refusing to get out'," Tezeno said.

Tezeno said her daughter Kebreya Ben and Semien, the fiancée of her grandson's father have had prior altercations. Tezeno said because of this, her daughter asked Semien not to be present while her son was hospitalized.

"She was asked not to come because of what took place the day before, they was fussing," Tezeno said.

Semien still showed up and refused to leave. That is when Tezeno stepped in.

"I said 'Get out of the room. Leave the room. Why did you come here?' And she said some words back to me. And that's how the fight started," Tezeno said.

Semien told news 10 "It's all about the child, he's the one that is the victim in this whole situation. An innocent child."

Tezeno said since the fight, she hasn't been able to eat and feels bad it has gotten this far.

"I am sorry," Tezeno said. "I am grown enough to say that I am sorry for the way that I acted. I can understand how we got to this place. Why did it get to this place? It shouldn't have never. It shouldn't have never got to this place."

Tezeno said if she could take it all back, she would, but right now, her and her family's focus is on making sure her grandson recovers as he's been released from the hospital.

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