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Volunteers decorate Veterans' graves in Manhattan


MANHATTAN (KSNT) - Friday, dozens of Kansans went to the Kansas Veteran's Cemetery in Manhattan to decorate the graves of American veterans.

One of the many groups that came to volunteer was the American Legion. Alan Zeitvogel is the director of the American Legion Rider Chapter Pearce-Keller Post No. 17 in Manhattan.

"It gives me a lot of warm fuzzies to see a group of guys like this. We like to crush the stereotype of a typical biker, because we're just a bunch of old softies. But, we're veterans and it's very important for us to get together and do things like this," Zeitvogel said.

Kansas Veterans' Cemetery manager Bryan Nelson emphasized that it's more than meets the eye.

"The one thing we want people to remember [is that] it's not just about putting a flag down on the gravesite. But, to take a second [and] read the name of the person you're putting that flag out on. Just take a minute, say their name, keep their memory alive and then go to the next one," Nelson said.

The Veterans' Cemetery will place more than 1,300 flags on graves this weekend, before a multitude of ceremonies and speakers on Memorial Day.

"Go enjoy yourself. Go enjoy your family. But, do it because someone was willing to give their life for you to have that opportunity," Nelson said.

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