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Construction begins on new pedestrian bridge over the Oklahoma River


OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — The area around the Oklahoma River is bustling with the sound of machinery with construction on an indoor water park and now a pedestrian and bicyclist bridge to go over the river.

"We just get excited when construction actually starts," said David Todd, MAPS 4 project manager.

After several years of planning, cranes are in motion for part of the MAPS 4 River Enhancement Projects.

The area is already flooded with machinery working on the indoor water park, Okana.

"Its essentially the same contractor so they will coordinate," said Todd.

If you see a big crane on the north side of the river, south of Reno near Eastern, that's where work on the bridge is beginning. Crews will also be working on barges to put the piers in the water.

Todd said it will be a 400-foot bridge, connecting the north side to the south side, to fix a problem for walkers and bikers wanting to cross.

"The closest point right now is you can get up on the eastern bridge among car traffic," said Todd. "This just gives it a separated area for pedestrians and cyclists."

Just beware, there may be a little bit of a sacrifice during the summer months.

If you usually walk or bike down the Greenway River Trail, between the boathouse and Eastern, just know it's going to be closed off for about a year while they work on the bridge. The city will likely close off the trail next week.

However, Todd said the multi-million dollar project will be worth it.

"The bid we received is about six and a half million dollars," said Todd. "Remember, that this is a maps project and it's paid for when it's built."

Construction is expected to last until the end of the year.