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Update: Spencer woman alleges yard man attacked her with rake


UPDATE 05/24/2024

Lawrence Booker agreed to share his side of the alleged incident in an interview over the phone with a News 4 employee Friday.

Booker admitted to agreeing to do the work and also said that the agreement was for $300 for the yard work; with the $150 weed eater meant to cover some of that cost.

“The weed eater didn’t have a shield on it,” said Booker. “It was virtually a new weed eater, but she had hired somebody else at one time when I wasn’t around, they took the shield off.”

Booker said he refused the verbal agreement after completing most of the work on April 15 since the shield wasn’t on the weed eater, but still insisted that he be paid. He said Newton insisted that he agreed to take the weed eater in the condition it was in, and that the verbal deal would not be altered.

“I had a rake and tapped her on the shoulder,” said Booker. “Kind of like well, somebody will hit you, and I’m just gonna tap you a couple of times but somebody else is gonna keep on tapping. On the second tap, I tapped her on the leg.”

Booker said Newton caused them both to fall on the ground and that the rake fell on her during the incident. He noted that they were both able to get up and walk away.

“I reach over there and get the rake up off her, she gets up, she goes home,” said Booker. “We fall down all the time out there in the fields and stuff in the pastures and stuff.”

Booker said allegations that he “went into a rage” are false and that he was simply trying to teach Newton a lesson when it came to responsibly paying for work. He said he was under the impression he would get paid for the work the same day, even though one last phase of the project remained. 

“That’s why I tapped her to let her know somebody would tap you and hurt you and hurt me too,” said Booker.


SPENCER, Okla. (KFOR) – A Spencer woman said a man she hired to work on her yard last month assaulted her with a rake and left her bruised.

Evelyn Newton said it happened April 15. Court documents said she told police she hired longtime friend Lawrence Booker to do the yard work for her.

Documents said Newton told Booker she'd pay him $300 for the work and that she fronted him with a $150 weed eater.

Newton told News 4 she agreed to help Booker because he didn't have any of his own. Newton said the job played out, but ultimately, neither of them were able to get all of the work done before the end of the work day.

"He asked for the payment and I knew he knew that in a job you do not get paid before the job is done."

Court documents say Newton told police Booker went into a rage and started cursing at her. Documents said Booker came up behind Newton when she tried to walk away and the assault took place.

"He comes up behind me and somehow knocks me to the ground with the rake and just starts striking me everywhere," said Newton.

In documents, Newton told police Lawrence stood as if he was about to put the rake across her throat. She also said she was scared for her life and was in shock.

"The most horrifying experience for me personally to my body," said Newton.

Court documents said Newton didn't file a report until April 17, deciding to do so after speaking with her family. Documents say Newton provided police with photos she took of her bruises the day of the assault and an officer took photos as well.

"I just felt the presence of God just keeping him from killing me," said Newton.

In an affidavit for Booker's arrest, an officer describes the bruises as being large and dark, even two days after the assault. It also makes note of a noticeable bruise on the underside of Newton's right wrist that was consistent with a defensive wound as if someone were holding their arms over their face to protect it.

"Everything is changed," said Newton. "You know, it's not the same when you enter your house."

Documents also make note of a voicemail Booker left for Newton three days after the alleged assault. Newton provided News 4 with a copy of the voicemail.

"I just want to let you know I'm sorry for my actions," Booker said in the voicemail. "But I'd rather that lesson be learned than somebody else teach it to you. You were kind of a little bit out of line with people and their money and stuff and that's coming you know, but I just wanted to let you know that. But I'm sorry for my actions, so whatever it is you can forgive me for it or not, but that right there is a lesson learned for you not for me. Talk to you later."

Booker was arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County Jail on an assault complaint.

County jail officials said he has since posted a $75,000 bond.