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Peak power demand hits season's new high of 236.59 GW on Thursday

Peak power demand hits season's new high of 236.59 GW on Thursday

India's peak power demand reached a new high of 236.59 GW on Thursday, driven by high mercury levels and excessive use of cooling appliances. The peak power supply reached 235.06 GW on Wednesday, the highest so far in the summer season this year. The all-time high peak power demand of 243.27 GW was recorded in September 2023, and the record is expected to be broken during this summer season. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted a warmer summer and more heatwave days this year, with El Nino conditions predicted to continue until May. Industry experts predict that power demand could increase further to breach the all-time high of 243.27 GW recorded in September 2023.