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Indiana man faces multiple charges for alleged cheating in Calumet bass tournament


File photo from the Calumet system with a boat wake.

File photo from the Calumet system with a boat wake.

Dale Bowman

David Moore of St. John's, Indiana, faces multiple charges in an alleged cheating case in a Cal Sag Bass Anglers event on May 11.

He was allegedly videotaped stashing smallmouth bass in a Calumet slip by an alert tug engineer, Joe, the night before. (Joe asked that his last name not be used.)

Here is the press release from the Illinois Conservation Police and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources:
Indiana man cited for allegedly cheating in Illinois bass fishing tournament

SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Conservation Police have cited an Indiana man for allegedly cheating in a bass fishing tournament in Chicago this month.

David Moore, 49, of St. John’s, Indiana, was cited for the following: attempting to commit theft, possession over the daily limit of three smallmouth bass, failure to immediately release smallmouth bass unharmed, taking and possessing smallmouth bass resulting in wanton waste, throwing fishing wire on the bank waters, and importing Viral Hemorrhagic Speticemia (VHS)-susceptible species into Illinois without a permit.

On May 10, conservation police received information that Moore was hiding fish on a stringer on the Calumet River, possibly for a tournament the following morning, even though tournament rules prohibited fishing in that area on the 10th.

The following morning, conservation police watched the location and observed Moore retrieve four smallmouth bass from the stringer and place them in the live well of his boat before throwing the string on the shore and driving away. Police confirmed with the Cal-Sag Bass Anglers weigh master that Moore was registered in their tournament.

Conservation police waited for Moore to return to the tournament weigh-in location. The tournament limit was five bass with a minimum length of 12 inches. The total weight of the fish in Moore’s possession was 19.5 pounds. However, upon further investigation, conservation police determined Moore had caught four smallmouth bass on May 10 in Lake Michigan near Hammond, Indiana, and imported the fish into Illinois without a VHS permit.

Had Moore been allowed to proceed, he would have won the tournament by more than 4 pounds, taking home a first-place prize of $1,300.

Moore has been charged with two Class A misdemeanors, four Class B misdemeanors, and one petty offense. A court date has been set in Cook County.