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'I wish he would just disappear': Trump's Bronx rally gets a big thumbs down from locals


It is entirely likely that Donald Trump won't get the same kind of warm welcome that he has grown accustomed to when he ventures into Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday night for a rare rally in non-MAGA country.

With his Manhattan hush money trial on hiatus until after the Memorial Day weekend, the former president will be leaving Trump Tower and attempting to make the case for his re-election in a borough where he lost by over 300,000 votes in the 2020 presidential election.

According to a report from the New York Times, not many Bronx locals are thrilled with the idea of Trump invading their space and taking over the park for the permitted rally where a crowd of 3,500 will be allowed to attend.

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According to the report from the Times' Jeffrey Mays, "Predictably, many people in the Bronx are not happy," with local Noel Rivera, a retired subway track worker, telling the reporter, "I wish he would just disappear. Nobody that I know supports him.”

The report notes that this is "Trump's first rally in New York since 2016, and that most people in Crotona Park on Wednesday morning seemed unhappy that Mr. Trump was coming."

Mays wrote, "Maggie Rodriguez, 57, an electrician who was walking her Chihuahua in the park, cringed at the site of the Trump team setting up for the rally," with Rodriguez claiming that, if Trump wins in November, "We won’t have a democracy anymore."

According to Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) who represents the district, the former president should be visiting to apologize.

As he explained, "He is so unpopular in the Bronx that he’s radioactive. His approval ratings are lower than that of lead and arsenic.”

You can read more here.