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'Survivor' Finale: Charlie Talks Maria's Blindside & Everything She's Said to Him Since Then

'Survivor' Finale: Charlie Talks Maria's Blindside & Everything She's Said to Him Since Then

Charlie Davis is opening up about that massive blindside on the Survivor finale from his closest ally, Maria Shrime Gonzalez.

While Maria was voted out of the game during the Top 5 vote, Charlie made it to the final 3 contestants and he expected to receive his ally’s vote during the final tribal council.

Charlie lost the game to Kenzie Petty in a 5-3 vote. If Maria gave him a vote, it would’ve been a tie with third place contestant Ben Katzman placing the tiebreaker vote. He has admitted he would’ve voted for Charlie to win.

“I was really shocked,” Charlie told EW. “One of the very last things she said to me before getting voted out was, ‘Get to the final three. You’ve got my vote.’ So I don’t know what more I can do.”

So, what has Maria said to Charlie since? He’s revealing all.

Keep reading to find out more…

“I’ve heard a lot of different things from Pondy, which I don’t think is necessarily inconsistent with that, but honestly, it’s really hard to pin down with Maria because for literally the whole last year, she’s pretty much been on message with that,” Charlie said. “Obviously, we’ve tried to talk about this and I’ve tried to nurture a friendship as best I could. But yeah, I mean it’s so up and down with her. Weeks after the game, she called me and told me she regretted her vote for Kenzie. She wished she voted for me. And then she came to visit Boston one time and then was saying, ‘Oh, I can’t have any regrets, so I don’t regret it anymore.’”

Charlie continued, “And so I’m really just done with the whole flip-flopping of your reasons why. A couple days ago, she texted me and texted me completely new reasons about why she voted for Kenzie that she hadn’t said for an entire year. So I’m pretty much just done with that type of guessing game with her. I never know if I’ll get the right answer. I think I have a pretty good idea in my mind. I think she should stick to her reasons at the after-show. That’s been the most consistent that she said, but it is what it is. At Pondy, I think there was a lot going on, but in my eyes, it’s almost like a perfect control experiment. In the game, she left and said she was going to vote for me. Something happens in her mind at Pondy and all of a sudden that’s switched up. Yeah, I’ve definitely done my detective work.”

Get the scoop on the Survivor finale.