News in English

I’m ashamed of myself after my chronic illness diagnosis


DEAR DEIDRE: Six months ago my life was turned upside down when I got diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses. My energy levels and fitness completely plummeted.

I started to struggle with pain and fatigue and became so ill I had to leave my job. Since then I’ve not been well enough to look for a new one and have had to go on benefits.

I’m a 32-year-old man and I used to pride myself on my fitness and was an avid gym goer.

Then when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and chronic fatigue syndrome everything changed.

Suddenly I didn’t recognise my life anymore and many of my friends drifted away.

While my girlfriend has been so supportive and understanding, I feel so guilty that she now spends so much of her time caring for me.

I’m trying my best to start accepting my new life, but I’m honestly devastated.

My self-esteem has hit rock bottom and I feel so ashamed of myself.
I feel like a complete failure and have no hope for my future.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Try to remember that what has happened to you isn’t your fault and is completely out of your control.

Being unwell does not make you a failure and your girlfriend clearly doesn’t think so either.

It’s important you start trying to build up some positive feelings about yourself.

My support pack on Raising Self-Esteem will help.

Please also consider calling the Samaritans on 116 123 and contact CALM, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (, 0800 58 58 58) for support for your mental health.


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