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You might be mauled to death if you can’t spot the mountain lion prowling in the nature scene in under 15 seconds


A MIND-BENDING brainteaser has people puzzled, but being unaware of the danger that lurks could be dangerous.

The photo initially appears to be a serene outdoor scene, but a lion is hiding in plain sight.

Reddit / Findthesniper
A Redditor shared a picture taken from a hike with a hidden threat[/caption]

Redditor Brad_the_chad_69 posted the image of the ferocious feline on the social media platform.

“Find the cat,” he said.

Once spotted, the creature was definitely too close for comfort for most.

“I would have died on that trail,” one said.


Upon closer examination, a pair of predator eyes can be seen staring bake at the hiker.

The photo was taken during a hike in Cache Valley, Utah.

“I took [the photo]. I was trail running,” the original poster said of the dangerous sighting.

“I took a photo of the trail and the sky [and] only saw the mountain lion while looking at the photo when I was back home.

“I about pooped my pants.”

If you’re still having trouble spotting the big cat, check out the lower left side of the picture.

A pair of feline eyes can be seen staring back.

“The last thing you see before a mountain lion latches onto you,” one Redditor said.

“That’s a large kitty cat,” another added.

Reddit / Findthesniper
The mountain lion was hiding in the bushes in Utah[/caption]
Reddit / Findthesniper
The big cat was identifiable by its eye poking out to check out the hiker[/caption]

“I was expecting a cute kitty cat, but then I saw those menacing cougar eyes in the brush,” yet another said.

“That’s insane to think a mountain lion was that close, stay safe out there.”


If the big cat wasn’t enough, there are more optical illusions for lovers of brainteasers.

Another hidden cat is lounging around, and spotting it may take better vision than most.

Finding the hidden cat may mean better vision than most out there

This time, it’s not quite as menacing as the feline on the hiking trail.

The much smaller house cat is taking some time off for a little rest and relaxation.

If you still can’t spot the kitty — it’s hanging out underneath the Christmas tree.

The cat is perched on the bottom left of the photo.

It appears to be totally relaxed while partially hidden by the Christmas tree branches.

The house cat was lounging underneath the Christmas tree